Package 'slendr'

Title: A Simulation Framework for Spatiotemporal Population Genetics
Description: A framework for simulating spatially explicit genomic data which leverages real cartographic information for programmatic and visual encoding of spatiotemporal population dynamics on real geographic landscapes. Population genetic models are then automatically executed by the 'SLiM' software by Haller et al. (2019) <doi:10.1093/molbev/msy228> behind the scenes, using a custom built-in simulation 'SLiM' script. Additionally, fully abstract spatial models not tied to a specific geographic location are supported, and users can also simulate data from standard, non-spatial, random-mating models. These can be simulated either with the 'SLiM' built-in back-end script, or using an efficient coalescent population genetics simulator 'msprime' by Baumdicker et al. (2022) <doi:10.1093/genetics/iyab229> with a custom-built 'Python' script bundled with the R package. Simulated genomic data is saved in a tree-sequence format and can be loaded, manipulated, and summarised using tree-sequence functionality via an R interface to the 'Python' module 'tskit' by Kelleher et al. (2019) <doi:10.1038/s41588-019-0483-y>. Complete model configuration, simulation and analysis pipelines can be therefore constructed without a need to leave the R environment, eliminating friction between disparate tools for population genetic simulations and data analysis.
Authors: Martin Petr [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Martin Petr <[email protected]>
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Version: 1.0.1
Built: 2025-03-04 15:35:44 UTC

Help Index

Animate the simulated population dynamics


Animate the simulated population dynamics


animate_model(model, file, steps, gif = NULL, width = 800, height = 560)



Compiled slendr_model model object


Path to the table of saved individual locations


How many frames should the animation have?


Path to an output GIF file (animation object returned by default)

width, height

Dimensions of the animation in pixels


If gif = NULL, return gganimate animation object. Otherwise a GIF file is saved and no value is returned.

Calculate the area covered by the given slendr object


Calculate the area covered by the given slendr object





Object of the class slendr


Area covered by the input object. If a slendr_pop was given, a table with an population range area in each time point will be returned. If a slendr_region or slendr_world object was specified, the total area covered by this object's spatial boundary will be returned.


region_a <- region("A", center = c(20, 50), radius = 20)
region_b <- region("B", polygon = list(c(50, 40), c(70, 40), c(70, 60), c(50, 60)))
plot_map(region_a, region_b)

# note that area won't be *exactly* equal to pi*r^2:


Check that the required dependencies are available for slendr to work


Check that the required dependencies are available for slendr to work


check_dependencies(python = FALSE, slim = FALSE, quit = FALSE)



Is the slendr Python environment required?


Is SLiM required?


Should the R interpreter quit if required slendr dependencies are missing? This option (which is not turned on by default, being set to FALSE) is used mainly in avoiding running slendr man page examples on machines which lack dependencies. If set to TRUE, a logical value is returned.


If quit = TRUE, no values is returned, if quit = FALSE, a scalar logical value is returned indicating whether or not the dependencies are present.

Check that the active Python environment is setup for slendr


This function inspects the Python environment which has been activated by the reticulate package and prints the versions of all slendr Python dependencies to the console.


check_env(verbose = TRUE)



Should a log message be printed? If FALSE, only a logical value is returned (invisibly).


Either TRUE (slendr Python environment is present) or FALSE (slendr Python environment is not present).



Remove the automatically created slendr Python environment


Remove the automatically created slendr Python environment


clear_env(force = FALSE, all = FALSE)



Ask before deleting any environment?


Should all (present and past) slendr Python environments be removed (default is FALSE) or just the current environment?


No return value, called for side effects

Compile a slendr demographic model


First, compiles the vectorized population spatial maps into a series of binary raster PNG files, which is the format that SLiM understands and uses it to define population boundaries. Then extracts the demographic model defined by the user (i.e. population divergences and gene flow events) into a series of tables which are later used by the built-in SLiM script to program the timing of simulation events.


  gene_flow = list(),
  direction = NULL,
  simulation_length = NULL,
  serialize = TRUE,
  path = NULL,
  overwrite = FALSE,
  force = FALSE,
  description = "",
  time_units = NULL,
  resolution = NULL,
  competition = NULL,
  mating = NULL,
  dispersal = NULL,
  extension = NULL



Object(s) of the slendr_pop class (multiple objects need to be specified in a list)


Generation time (in model time units)


Gene flow events generated by the gene_flow function (either a list of data.frame objects in the format defined by the gene_flow function, or a single data.frame)


Intended direction of time. Under normal circumstances this parameter is inferred from the model and does not need to be set manually.


Total length of the simulation (required for forward time models, optional for models specified in backward time units which by default run to "the present time")


Should model files be serialized to disk? If not, only an R model object will be returned but no files will be created. This speeds up simulation with msprime but prevents using the SLiM back end.


Output directory for the model configuration files which will be loaded by the backend SLiM script. If NULL, model configuration files will be saved to a temporary directory.


Completely delete the specified directory, in case it already exists, and create a new one?


Force a deletion of the model directory if it is already present? Useful for non-interactive uses. In an interactive mode, the user is asked to confirm the deletion manually.


Optional short description of the model


Units of time in which model event times are to be interpreted. If not specified and generation_time is set to 1, this will be set to "generations", otherwise the value is "model time units".


How many distance units per pixel?

competition, mating

Maximum spatial competition and mating choice distance


Standard deviation of the normal distribution of the parent-offspring distance


Path to a SLiM script to be used for extending slendr's built-in SLiM simulation engine. This can either be a file with the snippet of Eidos code, or a string containing the code directly. Regardless, the provided snippet will be appended after the contents of the bundled slendr SLiM script.


Compiled slendr_model model object which encapsulates all information about the specified model (which populations are involved, when and how much gene flow should occur, what is the spatial resolution of a map, and what spatial dispersal and mating parameters should be used in a SLiM simulation, if applicable)


# spatial definitions -----------------------------------------------------

# create a blank abstract world 1000x1000 distance units in size
map <- world(xrange = c(0, 1000), yrange = c(0, 1000), landscape = "blank")

# create a circular population with the center of a population boundary at
# [200, 800] and a radius of 100 distance units, 1000 individuals at time 1
# occupying a map just specified
pop1 <- population("pop1", N = 1000, time = 1,
                   map = map, center = c(200, 800), radius = 100)

# printing a population object to a console shows a brief summary

# create another population occupying a polygon range, splitting from pop1
# at a given time point (note that specifying a map is not necessary because
# it is "inherited" from the parent)
pop2 <- population("pop2", N = 100, time = 50, parent = pop1,
                        polygon = list(c(100, 100), c(320, 30), c(500, 200),
                                  c(500, 400), c(300, 450), c(100, 400)))

pop3 <- population("pop3", N = 200, time = 80, parent = pop2,
                   center = c(800, 800), radius = 200)

# move "pop1" to another location along a specified trajectory and saved the
# resulting object to the same variable (the number of intermediate spatial
# snapshots can be also determined automatically by leaving out the
# `snapshots = ` argument)
pop1_moved <- move(pop1, start = 100, end = 200, snapshots = 6,
                   trajectory = list(c(600, 820), c(800, 400), c(800, 150)))

# many slendr functions are pipe-friendly, making it possible to construct
# pipelines which construct entire history of a population
pop1 <- population("pop1", N = 1000, time = 1,
                   map = map, center = c(200, 800), radius = 100) %>%
  move(start = 100, end = 200, snapshots = 6,
       trajectory = list(c(400, 800), c(600, 700), c(800, 400), c(800, 150))) %>%
  set_range(time = 300, polygon = list(
    c(400, 0), c(1000, 0), c(1000, 600), c(900, 400), c(800, 250),
    c(600, 100), c(500, 50))

# population ranges can expand by a given distance in all directions
pop2 <- expand_range(pop2, by = 200, start = 50, end = 150, snapshots = 3)

# we can check the positions of all populations interactively by plotting their
# ranges together on a single map
plot_map(pop1, pop2, pop3)

# gene flow events --------------------------------------------------------

# individual gene flow events can be saved to a list
gf <- list(
  gene_flow(from = pop1, to = pop3, start = 150, end = 200, rate = 0.15),
  gene_flow(from = pop1, to = pop2, start = 300, end = 330, rate = 0.25)

# compilation -------------------------------------------------------------

# compile model components in a serialized form to dist, returning a single
# slendr model object (in practice, the resolution should be smaller)
model <- compile_model(
  populations = list(pop1, pop2, pop3), generation_time = 1,
  resolution = 100, simulation_length = 500,
  competition = 5, mating = 5, dispersal = 1

Calculate the distance between a pair of spatial boundaries


Calculate the distance between a pair of spatial boundaries


distance(x, y, measure, time = NULL)


x, y

Objects of the class slendr


How to measure distance? This can be either 'border' (distance between the borders of x and y) or 'center' (distance between their centroids).


Time closest to the spatial maps of x and y if they represent slendr_pop population boundaries (ignored for general slendr_region objects)


If the coordinate reference system was specified, a distance in projected units (i.e. meters) is returned. Otherwise the function returns a normal Euclidean distance.


# create two regions on a blank abstract landscape
region_a <- region("A", center = c(20, 50), radius = 20)
region_b <- region("B", center = c(80, 50), radius = 20)
plot_map(region_a, region_b)

# compute the distance between the centers of both population ranges
distance(region_a, region_b, measure = "center")

# compute the distance between the borders of both population ranges
distance(region_a, region_b, measure = "border")

Expand the population range


Expands the spatial population range by a specified distance in a given time-window


  overlap = 0.8,
  snapshots = NULL,
  polygon = NULL,
  lock = FALSE,
  verbose = TRUE



Object of the class slendr_pop


How many units of distance to expand by?

start, end

When does the expansion start/end?


Minimum overlap between subsequent spatial boundaries


The number of intermediate snapshots (overrides the overlap parameter)


Geographic region to restrict the expansion to


Maintain the same density of individuals. If FALSE (the default), the number of individuals in the population will not change. If TRUE, the number of individuals simulated will be changed (increased or decreased) appropriately, to match the new population range area.


Report on the progress of generating intermediate spatial boundaries?


Note that because slendr models have to accomodate both SLiM and msprime back ends, population sizes and times of events are rounded to the nearest integer value.


Object of the class slendr_pop, which contains population parameters such as name, time of appearance in the simulation, parent population (if any), and its spatial parameters such as map and spatial boundary.


# spatial definitions -----------------------------------------------------

# create a blank abstract world 1000x1000 distance units in size
map <- world(xrange = c(0, 1000), yrange = c(0, 1000), landscape = "blank")

# create a circular population with the center of a population boundary at
# [200, 800] and a radius of 100 distance units, 1000 individuals at time 1
# occupying a map just specified
pop1 <- population("pop1", N = 1000, time = 1,
                   map = map, center = c(200, 800), radius = 100)

# printing a population object to a console shows a brief summary

# create another population occupying a polygon range, splitting from pop1
# at a given time point (note that specifying a map is not necessary because
# it is "inherited" from the parent)
pop2 <- population("pop2", N = 100, time = 50, parent = pop1,
                        polygon = list(c(100, 100), c(320, 30), c(500, 200),
                                  c(500, 400), c(300, 450), c(100, 400)))

pop3 <- population("pop3", N = 200, time = 80, parent = pop2,
                   center = c(800, 800), radius = 200)

# move "pop1" to another location along a specified trajectory and saved the
# resulting object to the same variable (the number of intermediate spatial
# snapshots can be also determined automatically by leaving out the
# `snapshots = ` argument)
pop1_moved <- move(pop1, start = 100, end = 200, snapshots = 6,
                   trajectory = list(c(600, 820), c(800, 400), c(800, 150)))

# many slendr functions are pipe-friendly, making it possible to construct
# pipelines which construct entire history of a population
pop1 <- population("pop1", N = 1000, time = 1,
                   map = map, center = c(200, 800), radius = 100) %>%
  move(start = 100, end = 200, snapshots = 6,
       trajectory = list(c(400, 800), c(600, 700), c(800, 400), c(800, 150))) %>%
  set_range(time = 300, polygon = list(
    c(400, 0), c(1000, 0), c(1000, 600), c(900, 400), c(800, 250),
    c(600, 100), c(500, 50))

# population ranges can expand by a given distance in all directions
pop2 <- expand_range(pop2, by = 200, start = 50, end = 150, snapshots = 3)

# we can check the positions of all populations interactively by plotting their
# ranges together on a single map
plot_map(pop1, pop2, pop3)

# gene flow events --------------------------------------------------------

# individual gene flow events can be saved to a list
gf <- list(
  gene_flow(from = pop1, to = pop3, start = 150, end = 200, rate = 0.15),
  gene_flow(from = pop1, to = pop2, start = 300, end = 330, rate = 0.25)

# compilation -------------------------------------------------------------

# compile model components in a serialized form to dist, returning a single
# slendr model object (in practice, the resolution should be smaller)
model <- compile_model(
  populations = list(pop1, pop2, pop3), generation_time = 1,
  resolution = 100, simulation_length = 500,
  competition = 5, mating = 5, dispersal = 1

Open an interactive browser of the spatial model


Open an interactive browser of the spatial model





Compiled slendr_model model object


No return value, called in order to start an interactive browser-based interface to explore the dynamics of a slendr model

Extract information from a compiled model or a simulated tree sequence


This function extract a slendr model parameters used to compile a given model object or simulate a tree sequence





Either an object of the class slendr_ts or slendr_model


A list of data frames containing parameters of the model used when compiling a model object



# load an example model and simulate a tree sequence from it
model <- read_model(path = system.file("extdata/models/introgression", package = "slendr"))
ts <- msprime(model, sequence_length = 1e5, recombination_rate = 0)

# extract model parameters from a compiled model object as a list of data frames

# the function can also extract parameters of a model which simulated a
# tree sequence

Define a gene-flow event between two populations


Define a gene-flow event between two populations


gene_flow(from, to, rate, start, end, overlap = TRUE)


from, to

Objects of the class slendr_pop


Scalar value in the range (0, 1] specifying the proportion of migration over given time period

start, end

Start and end of the gene-flow event


Require spatial overlap between admixing populations? (default TRUE)


Object of the class data.frame containing parameters of the specified gene-flow event.


# spatial definitions -----------------------------------------------------

# create a blank abstract world 1000x1000 distance units in size
map <- world(xrange = c(0, 1000), yrange = c(0, 1000), landscape = "blank")

# create a circular population with the center of a population boundary at
# [200, 800] and a radius of 100 distance units, 1000 individuals at time 1
# occupying a map just specified
pop1 <- population("pop1", N = 1000, time = 1,
                   map = map, center = c(200, 800), radius = 100)

# printing a population object to a console shows a brief summary

# create another population occupying a polygon range, splitting from pop1
# at a given time point (note that specifying a map is not necessary because
# it is "inherited" from the parent)
pop2 <- population("pop2", N = 100, time = 50, parent = pop1,
                        polygon = list(c(100, 100), c(320, 30), c(500, 200),
                                  c(500, 400), c(300, 450), c(100, 400)))

pop3 <- population("pop3", N = 200, time = 80, parent = pop2,
                   center = c(800, 800), radius = 200)

# move "pop1" to another location along a specified trajectory and saved the
# resulting object to the same variable (the number of intermediate spatial
# snapshots can be also determined automatically by leaving out the
# `snapshots = ` argument)
pop1_moved <- move(pop1, start = 100, end = 200, snapshots = 6,
                   trajectory = list(c(600, 820), c(800, 400), c(800, 150)))

# many slendr functions are pipe-friendly, making it possible to construct
# pipelines which construct entire history of a population
pop1 <- population("pop1", N = 1000, time = 1,
                   map = map, center = c(200, 800), radius = 100) %>%
  move(start = 100, end = 200, snapshots = 6,
       trajectory = list(c(400, 800), c(600, 700), c(800, 400), c(800, 150))) %>%
  set_range(time = 300, polygon = list(
    c(400, 0), c(1000, 0), c(1000, 600), c(900, 400), c(800, 250),
    c(600, 100), c(500, 50))

# population ranges can expand by a given distance in all directions
pop2 <- expand_range(pop2, by = 200, start = 50, end = 150, snapshots = 3)

# we can check the positions of all populations interactively by plotting their
# ranges together on a single map
plot_map(pop1, pop2, pop3)

# gene flow events --------------------------------------------------------

# individual gene flow events can be saved to a list
gf <- list(
  gene_flow(from = pop1, to = pop3, start = 150, end = 200, rate = 0.15),
  gene_flow(from = pop1, to = pop2, start = 300, end = 330, rate = 0.25)

# compilation -------------------------------------------------------------

# compile model components in a serialized form to dist, returning a single
# slendr model object (in practice, the resolution should be smaller)
model <- compile_model(
  populations = list(pop1, pop2, pop3), generation_time = 1,
  resolution = 100, simulation_length = 500,
  competition = 5, mating = 5, dispersal = 1

Get the name of the current slendr Python environment


Get the name of the current slendr Python environment




Name of the slendr Python environment

Activate slendr's own dedicated Python environment


This function attempts to activate a dedicated slendr Miniconda Python environment previously set up via setup_env.


init_env(quiet = FALSE)



Should informative messages be printed to the console? Default is FALSE.


No return value, called for side effects

Merge two spatial slendr objects into one


Merge two spatial slendr objects into one


join(x, y, name = NULL)



Object of the class slendr


Object of the class slendr


Optional name of the resulting geographic region. If missing, name will be constructed from the function arguments.


Object of the class slendr_region which encodes a standard spatial object of the class sf with several additional attributes (most importantly a corresponding slendr_map object, if applicable).


# create a blank abstract world 1000x1000 distance units in size
blank_map <- world(xrange = c(0, 1000), yrange = c(0, 1000), landscape = "blank")

# it is possible to construct custom landscapes (islands, corridors, etc.)
island1 <- region("island1", polygon = list(c(10, 30), c(50, 30), c(40, 50), c(0, 40)))
island2 <- region("island2", polygon = list(c(60, 60), c(80, 40), c(100, 60), c(80, 80)))
island3 <- region("island3", center = c(20, 80), radius = 10)
archipelago <- island1 %>% join(island2) %>% join(island3)

custom_map <- world(xrange = c(1, 100), c(1, 100), landscape = archipelago)

# real Earth landscapes can be defined using freely-available Natural Earth
# project data and with the possibility to specify an appropriate Coordinate
# Reference System, such as this example of a map of Europe

real_map <- world(xrange = c(-15, 40), yrange = c(30, 60), crs = "EPSG:3035")

Move the population to a new location in a given amount of time


This function defines a displacement of a population along a given trajectory in a given time frame


  overlap = 0.8,
  snapshots = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE



Object of the class slendr_pop


List of two-dimensional vectors (longitude, latitude) specifying the migration trajectory

start, end

Start/end points of the population migration


Minimum overlap between subsequent spatial boundaries


The number of intermediate snapshots (overrides the overlap parameter)


Show the progress of searching through the number of sufficient snapshots?


Object of the class slendr_pop, which contains population parameters such as name, time of appearance in the simulation, parent population (if any), and its spatial parameters such as map and spatial boundary.


# spatial definitions -----------------------------------------------------

# create a blank abstract world 1000x1000 distance units in size
map <- world(xrange = c(0, 1000), yrange = c(0, 1000), landscape = "blank")

# create a circular population with the center of a population boundary at
# [200, 800] and a radius of 100 distance units, 1000 individuals at time 1
# occupying a map just specified
pop1 <- population("pop1", N = 1000, time = 1,
                   map = map, center = c(200, 800), radius = 100)

# printing a population object to a console shows a brief summary

# create another population occupying a polygon range, splitting from pop1
# at a given time point (note that specifying a map is not necessary because
# it is "inherited" from the parent)
pop2 <- population("pop2", N = 100, time = 50, parent = pop1,
                        polygon = list(c(100, 100), c(320, 30), c(500, 200),
                                  c(500, 400), c(300, 450), c(100, 400)))

pop3 <- population("pop3", N = 200, time = 80, parent = pop2,
                   center = c(800, 800), radius = 200)

# move "pop1" to another location along a specified trajectory and saved the
# resulting object to the same variable (the number of intermediate spatial
# snapshots can be also determined automatically by leaving out the
# `snapshots = ` argument)
pop1_moved <- move(pop1, start = 100, end = 200, snapshots = 6,
                   trajectory = list(c(600, 820), c(800, 400), c(800, 150)))

# many slendr functions are pipe-friendly, making it possible to construct
# pipelines which construct entire history of a population
pop1 <- population("pop1", N = 1000, time = 1,
                   map = map, center = c(200, 800), radius = 100) %>%
  move(start = 100, end = 200, snapshots = 6,
       trajectory = list(c(400, 800), c(600, 700), c(800, 400), c(800, 150))) %>%
  set_range(time = 300, polygon = list(
    c(400, 0), c(1000, 0), c(1000, 600), c(900, 400), c(800, 250),
    c(600, 100), c(500, 50))

# population ranges can expand by a given distance in all directions
pop2 <- expand_range(pop2, by = 200, start = 50, end = 150, snapshots = 3)

# we can check the positions of all populations interactively by plotting their
# ranges together on a single map
plot_map(pop1, pop2, pop3)

# gene flow events --------------------------------------------------------

# individual gene flow events can be saved to a list
gf <- list(
  gene_flow(from = pop1, to = pop3, start = 150, end = 200, rate = 0.15),
  gene_flow(from = pop1, to = pop2, start = 300, end = 330, rate = 0.25)

# compilation -------------------------------------------------------------

# compile model components in a serialized form to dist, returning a single
# slendr model object (in practice, the resolution should be smaller)
model <- compile_model(
  populations = list(pop1, pop2, pop3), generation_time = 1,
  resolution = 100, simulation_length = 500,
  competition = 5, mating = 5, dispersal = 1

Run a slendr model in msprime


This function will execute a built-in msprime script and run a compiled slendr demographic model.


  samples = NULL,
  random_seed = NULL,
  verbose = FALSE,
  debug = FALSE,
  run = TRUE,
  path = NULL



Model object created by the compile function


Total length of the simulated sequence (in base-pairs)


Recombination rate of the simulated sequence (in recombinations per basepair per generation)


A data frame of times at which a given number of individuals should be remembered in the tree-sequence (see schedule_sampling for a function that can generate the sampling schedule in the correct format). If missing, only individuals present at the end of the simulation will be recorded in the final tree-sequence file.


Random seed (if NULL, a seed will be generated between 0 and the maximum integer number available)


Write the log information from the SLiM run to the console (default FALSE)?


Write msprime's debug log to the console (default FALSE)?


Should the msprime engine be run? If FALSE, the command line msprime command will be printed (and returned invisibly as a character vector) but not executed.


Path to the directory where simulation result files will be saved. If NULL, this directory will be automatically created as a temporary directory. If TRUE, this path will be also returned by the function. If a string is given, it is assumed to be a path to a directory where simulation results will be saved. In this case, the function will return this path invisibly. Note that if a tree-sequence file should be simulated (along with other files, potentially), that tree-sequence file (named 'msprime.trees' by default) will have to be explicitly loaded using ts_read().


A tree-sequence object loaded via Python-R reticulate interface function ts_read (internally represented by the Python object tskit.trees.TreeSequence). If the path argument was set, it will return the path as a single-element character vector.



# load an example model
model <- read_model(path = system.file("extdata/models/introgression", package = "slendr"))

# afr and eur objects would normally be created before slendr model compilation,
# but here we take them out of the model object already compiled for this
# example (in a standard slendr simulation pipeline, this wouldn't be necessary)
afr <- model$populations[["AFR"]]
eur <- model$populations[["EUR"]]
chimp <- model$populations[["CH"]]

# schedule the sampling of a couple of ancient and present-day individuals
# given model at 20 ky, 10 ky, 5ky ago and at present-day (time 0)
modern_samples <- schedule_sampling(model, times = 0, list(afr, 10), list(eur, 100), list(chimp, 1))
ancient_samples <- schedule_sampling(model, times = c(40000, 30000, 20000, 10000), list(eur, 1))

# sampling schedules are just data frames and can be merged easily
samples <- rbind(modern_samples, ancient_samples)

# run a simulation using the msprime back end from a compiled slendr model object
ts <- msprime(model, sequence_length = 1e5, recombination_rate = 0, samples = samples)

# simulated tree-sequence object can be saved to a file using ts_write()...
ts_file <- normalizePath(tempfile(fileext = ".trees"), winslash = "/", mustWork = FALSE)
ts_write(ts, ts_file)
# ... and, at a later point, loaded by ts_read()
ts <- ts_read(ts_file, model)


Generate the overlap of two slendr objects


Generate the overlap of two slendr objects


overlap(x, y, name = NULL)



Object of the class slendr


Object of the class slendr


Optional name of the resulting geographic region. If missing, name will be constructed from the function arguments.


Object of the class slendr_region which encodes a standard spatial object of the class sf with several additional attributes (most importantly a corresponding slendr_map object, if applicable).

Plot slendr geographic features on a map


Plots objects of the three slendr spatial classes (slendr_map, slendr_region, and slendr_pop).


  time = NULL,
  gene_flow = FALSE,
  labels = FALSE,
  graticules = "original",
  intersect = TRUE,
  show_map = TRUE,
  title = NULL,
  interpolated_maps = NULL



Objects of classes slendr_map, slendr_region, or slendr_pop


Plot a concrete time point


Indicate geneflow events with an arrow


Should the (starting) polygons of each populations be labeled with a respective population label (default FALSE)?


Plot graticules in the original Coordinate Reference System (such as longitude-latitude), or in the internal CRS (such as meters)?


Intersect the population boundaries against landscape and other geographic boundaries (default TRUE)?


Show the underlying world map


Title of the plot


Interpolated spatial boundaries for all populations in all time points (this is only used for plotting using the explore shiny app)


A ggplot2 object with the visualized slendr map

Plot demographic history encoded in a slendr model


Plot demographic history encoded in a slendr model


  sizes = TRUE,
  proportions = FALSE,
  gene_flow = TRUE,
  log = FALSE,
  order = NULL,
  file = NULL,
  samples = NULL,



Compiled slendr_model model object


Should population size changes be visualized?


Should gene flow proportions be visualized (FALSE by default to prevent cluttering and overplotting)


Should gene-flow arrows be visualized (default TRUE).


Should the y-axis be plotted on a log scale? Useful for models over very long time-scales.


Order of the populations along the x-axis, given as a character vector of population names. If NULL (the default), the default plotting algorithm will be used, ordering populations from the most ancestral to the most recent using an in-order tree traversal.


Output file for a figure saved via ggsave


Sampling schedule to be visualized over the model


Optional argument which will be passed to ggsave


A ggplot2 object with the visualized slendr model



# load an example model with an already simulated tree sequence
path <- system.file("extdata/models/introgression", package = "slendr")
model <- read_model(path)

plot_model(model, sizes = FALSE, log = TRUE)

Define a population


Defines the parameters of a population (non-spatial and spatial).


  parent = NULL,
  map = FALSE,
  center = NULL,
  radius = NULL,
  polygon = NULL,
  remove = NULL,
  intersect = TRUE,
  competition = NA,
  mating = NA,
  dispersal = NA,
  dispersal_fun = NULL,
  aquatic = FALSE



Name of the population


Time of the population's first appearance


Number of individuals at the time of first appearance


Parent population object or NULL (which indicates that the population does not have an ancestor, as it is the first population in its "lineage")


Object of the type slendr_map which defines the world context (created using the world function). If the value FALSE is provided, a non-spatial model will be run.


Two-dimensional vector specifying the center of the circular range


Radius of the circular range


List of vector pairs, defining corners of the polygon range or a geographic region of the class slendr_region from which the polygon coordinates will be extracted (see the region() function)


Time at which the population should be removed


Intersect the population's boundaries with landscape features?

competition, mating

Maximum spatial competition and mating choice distance


Standard deviation of the normal distribution of the distance that offspring disperses from its parent


Distribution function governing the dispersal of offspring. One of "normal", "uniform", "cauchy", "exponential", or "brownian" (in which vertical and horizontal displacements are drawn from a normal distribution independently).


Is the species aquatic (FALSE by default, i.e. terrestrial species)?


There are four ways to specify a spatial boundary: i) circular range specified using a center coordinate and a radius, ii) polygon specified as a list of two-dimensional vector coordinates, iii) polygon as in ii), but defined (and named) using the region function, iv) with just a world map specified (circular or polygon range parameters set to the default NULL value), the population will be allowed to occupy the entire landscape.

Note that because slendr models have to accomodate both SLiM and msprime back ends, population sizes and split times are rounded to the nearest integer value.


Object of the class slendr_pop, which contains population parameters such as name, time of appearance in the simulation, parent population (if any), and its spatial parameters such as map and spatial boundary.


# spatial definitions -----------------------------------------------------

# create a blank abstract world 1000x1000 distance units in size
map <- world(xrange = c(0, 1000), yrange = c(0, 1000), landscape = "blank")

# create a circular population with the center of a population boundary at
# [200, 800] and a radius of 100 distance units, 1000 individuals at time 1
# occupying a map just specified
pop1 <- population("pop1", N = 1000, time = 1,
                   map = map, center = c(200, 800), radius = 100)

# printing a population object to a console shows a brief summary

# create another population occupying a polygon range, splitting from pop1
# at a given time point (note that specifying a map is not necessary because
# it is "inherited" from the parent)
pop2 <- population("pop2", N = 100, time = 50, parent = pop1,
                        polygon = list(c(100, 100), c(320, 30), c(500, 200),
                                  c(500, 400), c(300, 450), c(100, 400)))

pop3 <- population("pop3", N = 200, time = 80, parent = pop2,
                   center = c(800, 800), radius = 200)

# move "pop1" to another location along a specified trajectory and saved the
# resulting object to the same variable (the number of intermediate spatial
# snapshots can be also determined automatically by leaving out the
# `snapshots = ` argument)
pop1_moved <- move(pop1, start = 100, end = 200, snapshots = 6,
                   trajectory = list(c(600, 820), c(800, 400), c(800, 150)))

# many slendr functions are pipe-friendly, making it possible to construct
# pipelines which construct entire history of a population
pop1 <- population("pop1", N = 1000, time = 1,
                   map = map, center = c(200, 800), radius = 100) %>%
  move(start = 100, end = 200, snapshots = 6,
       trajectory = list(c(400, 800), c(600, 700), c(800, 400), c(800, 150))) %>%
  set_range(time = 300, polygon = list(
    c(400, 0), c(1000, 0), c(1000, 600), c(900, 400), c(800, 250),
    c(600, 100), c(500, 50))

# population ranges can expand by a given distance in all directions
pop2 <- expand_range(pop2, by = 200, start = 50, end = 150, snapshots = 3)

# we can check the positions of all populations interactively by plotting their
# ranges together on a single map
plot_map(pop1, pop2, pop3)

# gene flow events --------------------------------------------------------

# individual gene flow events can be saved to a list
gf <- list(
  gene_flow(from = pop1, to = pop3, start = 150, end = 200, rate = 0.15),
  gene_flow(from = pop1, to = pop2, start = 300, end = 330, rate = 0.25)

# compilation -------------------------------------------------------------

# compile model components in a serialized form to dist, returning a single
# slendr model object (in practice, the resolution should be smaller)
model <- compile_model(
  populations = list(pop1, pop2, pop3), generation_time = 1,
  resolution = 100, simulation_length = 500,
  competition = 5, mating = 5, dispersal = 1

Print a short summary of a slendr object


All spatial objects in the slendr package are internally represented as Simple Features (sf) objects. This fact is hidden in most circumstances this, as the goal of the slendr package is to provide functionality at a much higher level (population boundaries, geographic regions, instead of individual polygons and other "low-level" geometric objects), without the users having to worry about low-level details involved in handling spatial geometries. However, the full sf object representation can be always printed by calling x[].


## S3 method for class 'slendr_pop'
print(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'slendr_region'
print(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'slendr_map'
print(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'slendr_model'
print(x, ...)



Object of a class slendr (either slendr_pop, slendr_map, slendr_region, or slendr_table)


Additional arguments passed to print


No return value, used only for printing

Print tskit's summary table of the Python tree-sequence object


Print tskit's summary table of the Python tree-sequence object


## S3 method for class 'slendr_ts'
print(x, ...)



Tree object of the class slendr_phylo


Additional arguments normally passed to print (not used in this case)


No return value, simply prints the tskit summary table to the terminal

Read a previously serialized model configuration


Reads all configuration tables and other model data from a location where it was previously compiled to by the compile function.





Directory with all required configuration files


Compiled slendr_model model object which encapsulates all information about the specified model (which populations are involved, when and how much gene flow should occur, what is the spatial resolution of a map, and what spatial dispersal and mating parameters should be used in a SLiM simulation, if applicable)



# load an example model with an already simulated tree sequence
path <- system.file("extdata/models/introgression", package = "slendr")
model <- read_model(path)

plot_model(model, sizes = FALSE, log = TRUE)

Define a geographic region


Creates a geographic region (a polygon) on a given map and gives it a name. This can be used to define objects which can be reused in multiple places in a slendr script (such as region arguments of population) without having to repeatedly define polygon coordinates.


region(name = NULL, map = NULL, center = NULL, radius = NULL, polygon = NULL)



Name of the geographic region


Object of the type sf which defines the map


Two-dimensional vector specifying the center of the circular range


Radius of the circular range


List of vector pairs, defining corners of the polygon range or a geographic region of the class slendr_region from which the polygon coordinates will be extracted (see the region() function)


Object of the class slendr_region which encodes a standard spatial object of the class sf with several additional attributes (most importantly a corresponding slendr_map object, if applicable).


# create a blank abstract world 1000x1000 distance units in size
blank_map <- world(xrange = c(0, 1000), yrange = c(0, 1000), landscape = "blank")

# it is possible to construct custom landscapes (islands, corridors, etc.)
island1 <- region("island1", polygon = list(c(10, 30), c(50, 30), c(40, 50), c(0, 40)))
island2 <- region("island2", polygon = list(c(60, 60), c(80, 40), c(100, 60), c(80, 80)))
island3 <- region("island3", center = c(20, 80), radius = 10)
archipelago <- island1 %>% join(island2) %>% join(island3)

custom_map <- world(xrange = c(1, 100), c(1, 100), landscape = archipelago)

# real Earth landscapes can be defined using freely-available Natural Earth
# project data and with the possibility to specify an appropriate Coordinate
# Reference System, such as this example of a map of Europe

real_map <- world(xrange = c(-15, 40), yrange = c(30, 60), crs = "EPSG:3035")

Reproject coordinates between coordinate systems


Converts between coordinates on a compiled raster map (i.e. pixel units) and different Geographic Coordinate Systems (CRS).


  x = NULL,
  y = NULL,
  coords = NULL,
  model = NULL,
  add = FALSE,
  input_prefix = "",
  output_prefix = "new"


from, to

Either a CRS code accepted by GDAL, a valid integer EPSG value, an object of class crs, the value "raster" (converting from/to pixel coordinates), or "world" (converting from/to whatever CRS is set for the underlying map)

x, y

Coordinates in two dimensions (if missing, coordinates are expected to be in the data.frame specified in the coords parameter as columns "x" and "y")


data.frame-like object with coordinates in columns "x" and "y"


Object of the class slendr_model


Add column coordinates to the input data.frame coords (coordinates otherwise returned as a separate object)?

input_prefix, output_prefix

Input and output prefixes of data frame columns with spatial coordinates


Data.frame with converted two-dimensional coordinates given as input


lon_lat_df <- data.frame(x = c(30, 0, 15), y = c(60, 40, 10))

  from = "epsg:4326",
  to = "epsg:3035",
  coords = lon_lat_df,
  add = TRUE # add converted [lon,lat] coordinates as a new column

Change the population size


Resizes the population starting from the current value of N individuals to the specified value


resize(pop, N, how, time, end = NULL)



Object of the class slendr_pop


Population size after the change


How to change the population size (options are "step" or "exponential")


Time of the population size change


End of the population size change period (used for exponential change events)


In the case of exponential size change, if the final N is larger than the current size, the population will be exponentially growing over the specified time period until it reaches N individuals. If N is smaller, the population will shrink exponentially.

Note that because slendr models have to accomodate both SLiM and msprime back ends, population sizes and split times are rounded to the nearest integer value.


Object of the class slendr_pop, which contains population parameters such as name, time of appearance in the simulation, parent population (if any), and its spatial parameters such as map and spatial boundary.


# spatial definitions -----------------------------------------------------

# create a blank abstract world 1000x1000 distance units in size
map <- world(xrange = c(0, 1000), yrange = c(0, 1000), landscape = "blank")

# create a circular population with the center of a population boundary at
# [200, 800] and a radius of 100 distance units, 1000 individuals at time 1
# occupying a map just specified
pop1 <- population("pop1", N = 1000, time = 1,
                   map = map, center = c(200, 800), radius = 100)

# printing a population object to a console shows a brief summary

# create another population occupying a polygon range, splitting from pop1
# at a given time point (note that specifying a map is not necessary because
# it is "inherited" from the parent)
pop2 <- population("pop2", N = 100, time = 50, parent = pop1,
                        polygon = list(c(100, 100), c(320, 30), c(500, 200),
                                  c(500, 400), c(300, 450), c(100, 400)))

pop3 <- population("pop3", N = 200, time = 80, parent = pop2,
                   center = c(800, 800), radius = 200)

# move "pop1" to another location along a specified trajectory and saved the
# resulting object to the same variable (the number of intermediate spatial
# snapshots can be also determined automatically by leaving out the
# `snapshots = ` argument)
pop1_moved <- move(pop1, start = 100, end = 200, snapshots = 6,
                   trajectory = list(c(600, 820), c(800, 400), c(800, 150)))

# many slendr functions are pipe-friendly, making it possible to construct
# pipelines which construct entire history of a population
pop1 <- population("pop1", N = 1000, time = 1,
                   map = map, center = c(200, 800), radius = 100) %>%
  move(start = 100, end = 200, snapshots = 6,
       trajectory = list(c(400, 800), c(600, 700), c(800, 400), c(800, 150))) %>%
  set_range(time = 300, polygon = list(
    c(400, 0), c(1000, 0), c(1000, 600), c(900, 400), c(800, 250),
    c(600, 100), c(500, 50))

# population ranges can expand by a given distance in all directions
pop2 <- expand_range(pop2, by = 200, start = 50, end = 150, snapshots = 3)

# we can check the positions of all populations interactively by plotting their
# ranges together on a single map
plot_map(pop1, pop2, pop3)

# gene flow events --------------------------------------------------------

# individual gene flow events can be saved to a list
gf <- list(
  gene_flow(from = pop1, to = pop3, start = 150, end = 200, rate = 0.15),
  gene_flow(from = pop1, to = pop2, start = 300, end = 330, rate = 0.25)

# compilation -------------------------------------------------------------

# compile model components in a serialized form to dist, returning a single
# slendr model object (in practice, the resolution should be smaller)
model <- compile_model(
  populations = list(pop1, pop2, pop3), generation_time = 1,
  resolution = 100, simulation_length = 500,
  competition = 5, mating = 5, dispersal = 1

Define sampling events for a given set of populations


Schedule sampling events at specified times and, optionally, a given set of locations on a landscape


schedule_sampling(model, times, ..., locations = NULL, strict = FALSE)



Object of the class slendr_model


Integer vector of times (in model time units) at which to schedule remembering of individuals in the tree-sequence


Lists of two elements (slendr_pop population object-<number of individuals to sample), representing from which populations should how many individuals be remembered at times given by times


List of vector pairs, defining two-dimensional coordinates of locations at which the closest number of individuals from given populations should be sampled. If NULL (the default), individuals will be sampled randomly throughout their spatial boundary.


Should any occurence of a population not being present at a given time result in an error? Default is FALSE, meaning that invalid sampling times for any populations will be quietly ignored.


If both times and locations are given, the the sampling will be scheduled on each specified location in each given time-point. Note that for the time-being, in the interest of simplicity, no sanity checks are performed on the locations given except the restriction that the sampling points must fall within the bounding box around the simulated world map. Other than that, slendr will simply instruct its SLiM backend script to sample individuals as close to the sampling points given as possible, regardless of whether those points lie within a population spatial boundary at that particular moment of time.


Data frame with three columns: time of sampling, population to sample from, how many individuals to sample



# load an example model with an already simulated tree sequence
path <- system.file("extdata/models/introgression", package = "slendr")
model <- read_model(path)

# afr and eur objects would normally be created before slendr model compilation,
# but here we take them out of the model object already compiled for this
# example (in a standard slendr simulation pipeline, this wouldn't be necessary)
afr <- model$populations[["AFR"]]
eur <- model$populations[["EUR"]]

# schedule the recording of 10 African and 100 European individuals from a
# given model at 20 ky, 10 ky, 5ky ago and at present-day (time 0)
schedule <- schedule_sampling(
  model, times = c(20000, 10000, 5000, 0),
  list(afr, 10), list(eur, 100)

# the result of `schedule_sampling` is a simple data frame (note that the locations
# of sampling locations have `NA` values because the model is non-spatial)

Change dispersal parameters


Changes either the competition interactive distance, mating choice distance, or the dispersal of offspring from its parent


  competition = NA,
  mating = NA,
  dispersal = NA,
  dispersal_fun = NULL



Object of the class slendr_pop


Time of the population size change

competition, mating

Maximum spatial competition and mating choice distance


Standard deviation of the normal distribution of the distance that offspring disperses from its parent


Distribution function governing the dispersal of offspring. One of "normal", "uniform", "cauchy", "exponential", or "brownian" (in which vertical and horizontal displacements are drawn from a normal distribution independently).


Object of the class slendr_pop, which contains population parameters such as name, time of appearance in the simulation, parent population (if any), and its spatial parameters such as map and spatial boundary.


# spatial definitions -----------------------------------------------------

# create a blank abstract world 1000x1000 distance units in size
map <- world(xrange = c(0, 1000), yrange = c(0, 1000), landscape = "blank")

# create a circular population with the center of a population boundary at
# [200, 800] and a radius of 100 distance units, 1000 individuals at time 1
# occupying a map just specified
pop1 <- population("pop1", N = 1000, time = 1,
                   map = map, center = c(200, 800), radius = 100)

# printing a population object to a console shows a brief summary

# create another population occupying a polygon range, splitting from pop1
# at a given time point (note that specifying a map is not necessary because
# it is "inherited" from the parent)
pop2 <- population("pop2", N = 100, time = 50, parent = pop1,
                        polygon = list(c(100, 100), c(320, 30), c(500, 200),
                                  c(500, 400), c(300, 450), c(100, 400)))

pop3 <- population("pop3", N = 200, time = 80, parent = pop2,
                   center = c(800, 800), radius = 200)

# move "pop1" to another location along a specified trajectory and saved the
# resulting object to the same variable (the number of intermediate spatial
# snapshots can be also determined automatically by leaving out the
# `snapshots = ` argument)
pop1_moved <- move(pop1, start = 100, end = 200, snapshots = 6,
                   trajectory = list(c(600, 820), c(800, 400), c(800, 150)))

# many slendr functions are pipe-friendly, making it possible to construct
# pipelines which construct entire history of a population
pop1 <- population("pop1", N = 1000, time = 1,
                   map = map, center = c(200, 800), radius = 100) %>%
  move(start = 100, end = 200, snapshots = 6,
       trajectory = list(c(400, 800), c(600, 700), c(800, 400), c(800, 150))) %>%
  set_range(time = 300, polygon = list(
    c(400, 0), c(1000, 0), c(1000, 600), c(900, 400), c(800, 250),
    c(600, 100), c(500, 50))

# population ranges can expand by a given distance in all directions
pop2 <- expand_range(pop2, by = 200, start = 50, end = 150, snapshots = 3)

# we can check the positions of all populations interactively by plotting their
# ranges together on a single map
plot_map(pop1, pop2, pop3)

# gene flow events --------------------------------------------------------

# individual gene flow events can be saved to a list
gf <- list(
  gene_flow(from = pop1, to = pop3, start = 150, end = 200, rate = 0.15),
  gene_flow(from = pop1, to = pop2, start = 300, end = 330, rate = 0.25)

# compilation -------------------------------------------------------------

# compile model components in a serialized form to dist, returning a single
# slendr model object (in practice, the resolution should be smaller)
model <- compile_model(
  populations = list(pop1, pop2, pop3), generation_time = 1,
  resolution = 100, simulation_length = 500,
  competition = 5, mating = 5, dispersal = 1

Update the population range


This function allows a more manual control of spatial map changes in addition to the expand and move functions


  center = NULL,
  radius = NULL,
  polygon = NULL,
  lock = FALSE



Object of the class slendr_pop


Time of the change


Two-dimensional vector specifying the center of the circular range


Radius of the circular range


List of vector pairs, defining corners of the polygon range (see also the region argument) or a geographic region of the class slendr_region from which the polygon coordinates will be extracted


Maintain the same density of individuals. If FALSE (the default), the number of individuals in the population will not change. If TRUE, the number of individuals simulated will be changed (increased or decreased) appropriately, to match the new population range area.


Object of the class slendr_pop, which contains population parameters such as name, time of appearance in the simulation, parent population (if any), and its spatial parameters such as map and spatial boundary.


# spatial definitions -----------------------------------------------------

# create a blank abstract world 1000x1000 distance units in size
map <- world(xrange = c(0, 1000), yrange = c(0, 1000), landscape = "blank")

# create a circular population with the center of a population boundary at
# [200, 800] and a radius of 100 distance units, 1000 individuals at time 1
# occupying a map just specified
pop1 <- population("pop1", N = 1000, time = 1,
                   map = map, center = c(200, 800), radius = 100)

# printing a population object to a console shows a brief summary

# create another population occupying a polygon range, splitting from pop1
# at a given time point (note that specifying a map is not necessary because
# it is "inherited" from the parent)
pop2 <- population("pop2", N = 100, time = 50, parent = pop1,
                        polygon = list(c(100, 100), c(320, 30), c(500, 200),
                                  c(500, 400), c(300, 450), c(100, 400)))

pop3 <- population("pop3", N = 200, time = 80, parent = pop2,
                   center = c(800, 800), radius = 200)

# move "pop1" to another location along a specified trajectory and saved the
# resulting object to the same variable (the number of intermediate spatial
# snapshots can be also determined automatically by leaving out the
# `snapshots = ` argument)
pop1_moved <- move(pop1, start = 100, end = 200, snapshots = 6,
                   trajectory = list(c(600, 820), c(800, 400), c(800, 150)))

# many slendr functions are pipe-friendly, making it possible to construct
# pipelines which construct entire history of a population
pop1 <- population("pop1", N = 1000, time = 1,
                   map = map, center = c(200, 800), radius = 100) %>%
  move(start = 100, end = 200, snapshots = 6,
       trajectory = list(c(400, 800), c(600, 700), c(800, 400), c(800, 150))) %>%
  set_range(time = 300, polygon = list(
    c(400, 0), c(1000, 0), c(1000, 600), c(900, 400), c(800, 250),
    c(600, 100), c(500, 50))

# population ranges can expand by a given distance in all directions
pop2 <- expand_range(pop2, by = 200, start = 50, end = 150, snapshots = 3)

# we can check the positions of all populations interactively by plotting their
# ranges together on a single map
plot_map(pop1, pop2, pop3)

# gene flow events --------------------------------------------------------

# individual gene flow events can be saved to a list
gf <- list(
  gene_flow(from = pop1, to = pop3, start = 150, end = 200, rate = 0.15),
  gene_flow(from = pop1, to = pop2, start = 300, end = 330, rate = 0.25)

# compilation -------------------------------------------------------------

# compile model components in a serialized form to dist, returning a single
# slendr model object (in practice, the resolution should be smaller)
model <- compile_model(
  populations = list(pop1, pop2, pop3), generation_time = 1,
  resolution = 100, simulation_length = 500,
  competition = 5, mating = 5, dispersal = 1

Setup a dedicated Python virtual environment for slendr


This function will automatically download a Python miniconda distribution dedicated to an R-Python interface. It will also create a slendr-specific Python environment with all the required Python dependencies.


setup_env(quiet = FALSE, agree = FALSE, pip = FALSE)



Should informative messages be printed to the console? Default is FALSE.


Automatically agree to all questions?


Should pip be used instead of conda for installing slendr's Python dependencies?


No return value, called for side effects

Shrink the population range


Shrinks the spatial population range by a specified distance in a given time-window


  overlap = 0.8,
  snapshots = NULL,
  lock = FALSE,
  verbose = TRUE



Object of the class slendr_pop


How many units of distance to shrink by?

start, end

When does the boundary shrinking start/end?


Minimum overlap between subsequent spatial boundaries


The number of intermediate snapshots (overrides the overlap parameter)


Maintain the same density of individuals. If FALSE (the default), the number of individuals in the population will not change. If TRUE, the number of individuals simulated will be changed (increased or decreased) appropriately, to match the new population range area.


Report on the progress of generating intermediate spatial boundaries?


Note that because slendr models have to accomodate both SLiM and msprime back ends, population sizes and split times are rounded to the nearest integer value.


Object of the class slendr_pop, which contains population parameters such as name, time of appearance in the simulation, parent population (if any), and its spatial parameters such as map and spatial boundary.


# spatial definitions -----------------------------------------------------

# create a blank abstract world 1000x1000 distance units in size
map <- world(xrange = c(0, 1000), yrange = c(0, 1000), landscape = "blank")

# create a circular population with the center of a population boundary at
# [200, 800] and a radius of 100 distance units, 1000 individuals at time 1
# occupying a map just specified
pop1 <- population("pop1", N = 1000, time = 1,
                   map = map, center = c(200, 800), radius = 100)

# printing a population object to a console shows a brief summary

# create another population occupying a polygon range, splitting from pop1
# at a given time point (note that specifying a map is not necessary because
# it is "inherited" from the parent)
pop2 <- population("pop2", N = 100, time = 50, parent = pop1,
                        polygon = list(c(100, 100), c(320, 30), c(500, 200),
                                  c(500, 400), c(300, 450), c(100, 400)))

pop3 <- population("pop3", N = 200, time = 80, parent = pop2,
                   center = c(800, 800), radius = 200)

# move "pop1" to another location along a specified trajectory and saved the
# resulting object to the same variable (the number of intermediate spatial
# snapshots can be also determined automatically by leaving out the
# `snapshots = ` argument)
pop1_moved <- move(pop1, start = 100, end = 200, snapshots = 6,
                   trajectory = list(c(600, 820), c(800, 400), c(800, 150)))

# many slendr functions are pipe-friendly, making it possible to construct
# pipelines which construct entire history of a population
pop1 <- population("pop1", N = 1000, time = 1,
                   map = map, center = c(200, 800), radius = 100) %>%
  move(start = 100, end = 200, snapshots = 6,
       trajectory = list(c(400, 800), c(600, 700), c(800, 400), c(800, 150))) %>%
  set_range(time = 300, polygon = list(
    c(400, 0), c(1000, 0), c(1000, 600), c(900, 400), c(800, 250),
    c(600, 100), c(500, 50))

# population ranges can expand by a given distance in all directions
pop2 <- expand_range(pop2, by = 200, start = 50, end = 150, snapshots = 3)

# we can check the positions of all populations interactively by plotting their
# ranges together on a single map
plot_map(pop1, pop2, pop3)

# gene flow events --------------------------------------------------------

# individual gene flow events can be saved to a list
gf <- list(
  gene_flow(from = pop1, to = pop3, start = 150, end = 200, rate = 0.15),
  gene_flow(from = pop1, to = pop2, start = 300, end = 330, rate = 0.25)

# compilation -------------------------------------------------------------

# compile model components in a serialized form to dist, returning a single
# slendr model object (in practice, the resolution should be smaller)
model <- compile_model(
  populations = list(pop1, pop2, pop3), generation_time = 1,
  resolution = 100, simulation_length = 500,
  competition = 5, mating = 5, dispersal = 1

Run a slendr model in SLiM


This function will execute a SLiM script generated by the compile function during the compilation of a slendr demographic model.


  samples = NULL,
  ts = TRUE,
  path = NULL,
  random_seed = NULL,
  method = c("batch", "gui"),
  verbose = FALSE,
  run = TRUE,
  slim_path = NULL,
  burnin = 0,
  max_attempts = 1,
  spatial = !is.null(model$world),
  coalescent_only = TRUE,
  locations = NULL



Model object created by the compile function


Total length of the simulated sequence (in base-pairs)


Recombination rate of the simulated sequence (in recombinations per basepair per generation)


A data frame of times at which a given number of individuals should be remembered in the tree-sequence (see schedule_sampling for a function that can generate the sampling schedule in the correct format). If missing, only individuals present at the end of the simulation will be recorded in the final tree-sequence file.


Should a tree sequence be simulated from the model?


Path to the directory where simulation result files will be saved. If NULL, this directory will be automatically created as a temporary directory. If TRUE, this path will be also returned by the function. If a string is given, it is assumed to be a path to a directory where simulation results will be saved. In this case, the function will return this path invisibly. Note that if a tree-sequence file should be simulated (along with other files, potentially), that tree-sequence file (named 'slim.trees' by default) will have to be explicitly loaded using ts_read().


Random seed (if NULL, a seed will be generated between 0 and the maximum integer number available)


How to run the script? ("gui" - open in SLiMgui, "batch" - run on the command line)


Write the log information from the SLiM run to the console (default FALSE)?


Should the SLiM engine be run? If FALSE, the command line SLiM command will be printed (and returned invisibly as a character vector) but not executed.


Path to the appropriate SLiM binary (this is useful if the slim binary is not on the $PATH). Note that this argument must be specified if the function is being run on Windows.


Length of the burnin (in model's time units, i.e. years)


How many attempts should be made to place an offspring near one of its parents? Serves to prevent infinite loops on the SLiM backend. Default value is 1.


Should the model be executed in spatial mode? By default, if a world map was specified during model definition, simulation will proceed in a spatial mode.


Should initializeTreeSeq(retainCoalescentOnly = <...>) be set to TRUE (the default) or FALSE? See "retainCoalescentOnly" in the SLiM manual for more detail.


If NULL, locations are not saved. Otherwise, the path to the file where locations of each individual throughout the simulation will be saved (most likely for use with animate_model).


The arguments sequence_length and recombination_rate can be omitted for slendr models utilizing customized initialization of genomic architecture. In such cases, users may either provide hard-coded values directly through SLiM's initializeGenomicElement() and initializeRecombinationRate() functions or utilize slendr's templating functionality provided by its substitute() function. When ts = TRUE, the returning value of this function depends on whether or not the path argument was set. If the user did provide the path where output files should be saved, the path is returned (invisibly). This is mostly intended to support simulations of customized user models. If path is not set by the user, it is assumed that a tree-sequence object is desired as a sole return value of the function (when ts = TRUE) and so it is automatically loaded when simulation finishes, or (when ts = FALSE) that only customized files are to be produced by the simulation, in which the user will be loading such files by themselves (and only the path is needed).


A tree-sequence object loaded via Python-R reticulate interface function ts_read (internally represented by the Python object tskit.trees.TreeSequence). If the path argument was set, specifying the directory where results should be saved, the function will return this path as a single-element character vector.



# load an example model
model <- read_model(path = system.file("extdata/models/introgression", package = "slendr"))

# afr and eur objects would normally be created before slendr model compilation,
# but here we take them out of the model object already compiled for this
# example (in a standard slendr simulation pipeline, this wouldn't be necessary)
afr <- model$populations[["AFR"]]
eur <- model$populations[["EUR"]]
chimp <- model$populations[["CH"]]

# schedule the sampling of a couple of ancient and present-day individuals
# given model at 20 ky, 10 ky, 5ky ago and at present-day (time 0)
modern_samples <- schedule_sampling(model, times = 0, list(afr, 5), list(eur, 5), list(chimp, 1))
ancient_samples <- schedule_sampling(model, times = c(30000, 20000, 10000), list(eur, 1))

# sampling schedules are just data frames and can be merged easily
samples <- rbind(modern_samples, ancient_samples)

# run a simulation using the SLiM back end from a compiled slendr model object and return
# a tree-sequence object as a result
ts <- slim(model, sequence_length = 1e5, recombination_rate = 0, samples = samples)

# simulated tree-sequence object can be saved to a file using ts_write()...
ts_file <- normalizePath(tempfile(fileext = ".trees"), winslash = "/", mustWork = FALSE)
ts_write(ts, ts_file)
# ... and, at a later point, loaded by ts_read()
ts <- ts_read(ts_file, model)


Substitute values of parameters in a SLiM extension template


Substitute values of templated {{parameters}} in a given SLiM extension template


substitute_values(template, ...)



Either a path to an extension script file, or a string containing the entire SLiM extension code


Named function arguments interpreted as key=value pairs to be used in argument substitution


If a file or a multi-line string given as template contains parameters specified as {{param}} where "param" can be arbitrary variable name, this function substitutes each templated {{parameter}} for a given values. Such modified template is then used to extend a built-in slendr SLiM script, allowing for a customization of its default behavior (most commonly replacing its assumption of neutrality for non-neutral scenarios, such as simulations of natural selection).


Path to a file with a saved extension script containing all substituted values

Generate the difference between two slendr objects


Generate the difference between two slendr objects


subtract(x, y, name = NULL)



Object of the class slendr


Object of the class slendr


Optional name of the resulting geographic region. If missing, name will be constructed from the function arguments.


Object of the class slendr_region which encodes a standard spatial object of the class sf with several additional attributes (most importantly a corresponding slendr_map object, if applicable).

Summarise the contents of a ts_nodes result


Summarise the contents of a ts_nodes result


## S3 method for class 'slendr_nodes'
summary(object, ...)



Data frame produced by the function ts_nodes


Additional formal arguments to the summary method (unused here)


Used for its output to the terminal

Compute the allele frequency spectrum (AFS)


This function computes the AFS with respect to the given set of individuals or nodes.


  sample_sets = NULL,
  mode = c("site", "branch", "node"),
  windows = NULL,
  span_normalise = FALSE,
  polarised = TRUE



Tree sequence object of the class slendr_ts


A list (optionally a named list) of character vectors with individual names (one vector per set). If NULL, allele frequency spectrum for all individuals in the tree sequence will be computed.


The mode for the calculation ("sites" or "branch")


Coordinates of breakpoints between windows. The first coordinate (0) and the last coordinate (equal to ts$sequence_length) are added automatically)


Argument passed to tskit's allele_frequency_spectrum method


When TRUE (the default) the allele frequency spectrum will not be folded (i.e. the counts will assume knowledge of which allele is ancestral, and which is derived, which is known in a simulation)


For more information on the format of the result and dimensions, in particular the interpretation of the first and the last element of the AFS (when complete = TRUE), please see the tskit manual at and the example section dedicated to AFS at


Allele frequency spectrum values for the given sample set. Note that the contents of the first and last elements of the AFS might surprise you. Read the links in the description for more detail on how tskit handles things.



# load an example model with an already simulated tree sequence
slendr_ts <- system.file("extdata/models/introgression_slim.trees", package = "slendr")
model <- read_model(path = system.file("extdata/models/introgression", package = "slendr"))

# load the tree-sequence object from disk
ts <- ts_read(slendr_ts, model) %>% ts_mutate(mutation_rate = 1e-8, random_seed = 42)

samples <- ts_samples(ts) %>% .[.$pop %in% c("AFR", "EUR"), ]

# compute AFS for the given set of individuals
ts_afs(ts, sample_sets = list(samples$name))

Extract (spatio-)temporal ancestral history for given nodes/individuals


Extract (spatio-)temporal ancestral history for given nodes/individuals


ts_ancestors(ts, x, verbose = FALSE, complete = TRUE)



Tree sequence object of the class slendr_ts


Either an individual name or an integer node ID


Report on the progress of ancestry path generation?


Does every individual in the tree sequence need to have complete metadata recorded? If TRUE, only individuals/nodes with complete metadata will be included in the reconstruction of ancestral relationships. For instance, nodes added during the coalescent recapitation phase will not be included because they don't have spatial information associated with them.


A table of ancestral nodes of a given tree-sequence node all the way up to the root of the tree sequence



# load an example model with an already simulated tree sequence
slendr_ts <- system.file("extdata/models/introgression_slim.trees", package = "slendr")
model <- read_model(path = system.file("extdata/models/introgression", package = "slendr"))

# load the tree-sequence object from disk
ts <- ts_read(slendr_ts, model)

# find the complete ancestry information for a given individual
ts_ancestors(ts, "EUR_1", verbose = TRUE)

Check that all trees in the tree sequence are fully coalesced


Check that all trees in the tree sequence are fully coalesced


ts_coalesced(ts, return_failed = FALSE)



Tree sequence object of the class slendr_ts


Report back which trees failed the coalescence check?


TRUE or FALSE value if return_failed = FALSE, otherwise a vector of (tskit Python 0-based) indices of trees which failed the coalescence test



# load an example model with an already simulated tree sequence
slendr_ts <- system.file("extdata/models/introgression_slim.trees", package = "slendr")
model <- read_model(path = system.file("extdata/models/introgression", package = "slendr"))

# load the tree-sequence object from disk
ts <- ts_read(slendr_ts, model)

ts_coalesced(ts) # is the tree sequence fully coalesced? (TRUE or FALSE)

# returns a vector of tree sequence segments which are not coalesced
not_coalesced <- ts_coalesced(ts, return_failed = TRUE)

Extract all descendants of a given tree-sequence node


Extract all descendants of a given tree-sequence node


ts_descendants(ts, x, verbose = FALSE, complete = TRUE)



Tree sequence object of the class slendr_ts


An integer node ID of the ancestral node


Report on the progress of ancestry path generation?


Does every individual in the tree sequence need to have complete metadata recorded? If TRUE, only individuals/nodes with complete metadata will be included in the reconstruction of ancestral relationships. For instance, nodes added during the coalescent recapitation phase will not be included because they don't have spatial information associated with them.


A table of descendant nodes of a given tree-sequence node all the way down to the leaves of the tree sequence



# load an example model with an already simulated tree sequence
slendr_ts <- system.file("extdata/models/introgression_slim.trees", package = "slendr")
model <- read_model(path = system.file("extdata/models/introgression", package = "slendr"))

# load the tree-sequence object from disk
ts <- ts_read(slendr_ts, model)

# find the complete descendancy information for a given individual
ts_descendants(ts, x = 62, verbose = TRUE)

Calculate pairwise divergence between sets of individuals


Calculate pairwise divergence between sets of individuals


  mode = c("site", "branch", "node"),
  windows = NULL,
  span_normalise = TRUE



Tree sequence object of the class slendr_ts


A list (optionally a named list) of character vectors with individual names (one vector per set)


The mode for the calculation ("sites" or "branch")


Coordinates of breakpoints between windows. The first coordinate (0) and the last coordinate (equal to ts$sequence_length) do not have to be specified as they are added automatically.


Divide the result by the span of the window? Default TRUE, see the tskit documentation for more detail.


For each pairwise calculation, either a single divergence value or a vector of divergence values (one for each window)



# load an example model with an already simulated tree sequence
slendr_ts <- system.file("extdata/models/introgression_slim.trees", package = "slendr")
model <- read_model(path = system.file("extdata/models/introgression", package = "slendr"))

# load the tree-sequence object from disk
ts <- ts_read(slendr_ts, model) %>% ts_mutate(mutation_rate = 1e-8, random_seed = 42)

# collect sampled individuals from all populations in a list
sample_sets <- ts_samples(ts) %>%
  split(., .$pop) %>%
  lapply(function(pop) pop$name)

# compute the divergence between individuals from each sample set (list of
# individual names generated in the previous step)
ts_divergence(ts, sample_sets) %>% .[order(.$divergence), ]

Calculate diversity in given sets of individuals


Calculate diversity in given sets of individuals


  mode = c("site", "branch", "node"),
  windows = NULL,
  span_normalise = TRUE



Tree sequence object of the class slendr_ts


A list (optionally a named list) of character vectors with individual names (one vector per set). If a simple vector is provided, it will be interpreted as as.list(sample_sets), meaning that a given statistic will be calculated for each individual separately.


The mode for the calculation ("sites" or "branch")


Coordinates of breakpoints between windows. The first coordinate (0) and the last coordinate (equal to ts$sequence_length) are added automatically)


Divide the result by the span of the window? Default TRUE, see the tskit documentation for more detail.


For each set of individuals either a single diversity value or a vector of diversity values (one for each window)



# load an example model with an already simulated tree sequence
slendr_ts <- system.file("extdata/models/introgression_slim.trees", package = "slendr")
model <- read_model(path = system.file("extdata/models/introgression", package = "slendr"))

# load the tree-sequence object from disk
ts <- ts_read(slendr_ts, model) %>% ts_mutate(mutation_rate = 1e-8, random_seed = 42)

# collect sampled individuals from all populations in a list
sample_sets <- ts_samples(ts) %>%
  split(., .$pop) %>%
  lapply(function(pop) pop$name)

# compute diversity in each population based on sample sets extracted
# in the previous step
ts_diversity(ts, sample_sets) %>% .[order(.$diversity), ]

Plot a graphical representation of a single tree


This function first obtains an SVG representation of the tree by calling the draw_svg method of tskit and renders it as a bitmap image in R. All of the many optional keyword arguments of the draw_svg method can be provided and will be automatically passed to the method behind the scenes.


  width = 1000,
  height = 1000,
  labels = FALSE,
  sampled_only = TRUE,
  title = NULL,



A single tree extracted by ts_tree

width, height

Pixel dimensions of the rendered bitmap


Label each node with the individual name?


Should only individuals explicitly sampled through simplification be labeled? This is relevant in situations in which sampled individuals can themselves be among the ancestral nodes.


Optional title for the figure


Keyword arguments to the tskit draw_svg function.


No return value, called for side effects



# load an example model with an already simulated tree sequence
slendr_ts <- system.file("extdata/models/introgression_slim.trees", package = "slendr")
model <- read_model(path = system.file("extdata/models/introgression", package = "slendr"))

# load the tree-sequence object from disk
ts <- ts_read(slendr_ts, model)

# extract the first tree in the tree sequence and draw it
tree <- ts_tree(ts, i = 1)

# ts_draw accepts various optional arguments of tskit.Tree.draw_svg
ts_draw(tree, time_scale = "rank")

Extract spatio-temporal edge annotation table from a given tree or tree sequence


Extract spatio-temporal edge annotation table from a given tree or tree sequence





Tree object generated by ts_phylo or a slendr tree sequence object produced by ts_read, ts_recapitate, ts_simplify, or ts_mutate


Data frame of the sf type containing the times of nodes and start-end coordinates of edges across space



# load an example model with an already simulated tree sequence
slendr_ts <- system.file("extdata/models/introgression_slim.trees", package = "slendr")
model <- read_model(path = system.file("extdata/models/introgression", package = "slendr"))

# load the tree-sequence object from disk
ts <- ts_read(slendr_ts, model)

# extract an annotated table with (spatio-)temporal edge information

Convert genotypes to the EIGENSTRAT file format


EIGENSTRAT data produced by this function can be used by the admixr R package (


ts_eigenstrat(ts, prefix, chrom = "chr1", outgroup = NULL)



Tree sequence object of the class slendr_ts


EIGENSTRAT trio prefix


The name of the chromosome in the EIGENSTRAT snp file (default "chr1")


Should a formal, artificial outgroup be added? If NULL (default), no outgroup is added. A non-NULL character name will serve as the name of the outgroup in an ind file.


In case an outgroup was not formally specified in a slendr model which generated the tree sequence data, it is possible to artificially create an outgroup sample with the name specified by the outgroup argument, which will carry all ancestral alleles (i.e. value "2" in a geno file for each position in a snp file).


Object of the class EIGENSTRAT created by the admixr package

Calculate the f2, f3, f4, and f4-ratio statistics


These functions present an R interface to the corresponding f-statistics methods in tskit.


  mode = c("site", "branch", "node"),
  span_normalise = TRUE,
  windows = NULL

  mode = c("site", "branch", "node"),
  span_normalise = TRUE,
  windows = NULL

  mode = c("site", "branch", "node"),
  span_normalise = TRUE,
  windows = NULL

  mode = c("site", "branch"),
  span_normalise = TRUE



Tree sequence object of the class slendr_ts


The mode for the calculation ("sites" or "branch")


Divide the result by the span of the window? Default TRUE, see the tskit documentation for more detail.


Coordinates of breakpoints between windows. The first coordinate (0) and the last coordinate (equal to ts$sequence_length) do not have to be specified as they are added automatically.

W, X, Y, Z, A, B, C, O

Character vectors of individual names (largely following the nomenclature of Patterson 2021, but see crucial differences between tskit and ADMIXTOOLS in Details)


Note that the order of populations f3 statistic implemented in tskit ( is different from what you might expect from ADMIXTOOLS, as defined in Patterson 2012 (see doi:10.1534/genetics.112.145037 under heading "The three-population test and introduction of f-statistics", as well as ADMIXTOOLS documentation at Specifically, the widely used notation introduced by Patterson assumes the population triplet as f3(C; A, B), with C being the "focal" sample (i.e., either the outgroup or a sample tested for admixture). In contrast, tskit implements f3(A; B, C), with the "focal sample" being A.

Although this is likely to confuse many ADMIXTOOLS users, slendr does not have much choice in this, because its ts_*() functions are designed to be broadly compatible with raw tskit methods.


Data frame with statistics calculated for the given sets of individuals



# load an example model with an already simulated tree sequence
slendr_ts <- system.file("extdata/models/introgression_slim.trees", package = "slendr")
model <- read_model(path = system.file("extdata/models/introgression", package = "slendr"))

# load the tree-sequence object from disk and add mutations to it
ts <- ts_read(slendr_ts, model) %>% ts_mutate(mutation_rate = 1e-8, random_seed = 42)

# calculate f2 for two individuals in a previously loaded tree sequence
ts_f2(ts, A = "AFR_1", B = "EUR_1")

# calculate f2 for two sets of individuals
ts_f2(ts, A = c("AFR_1", "AFR_2"), B = c("EUR_1", "EUR_3"))

# calculate f3 for two individuals in a previously loaded tree sequence
ts_f3(ts, A = "EUR_1", B = "AFR_1", C = "NEA_1")

# calculate f3 for two sets of individuals
ts_f3(ts, A = c("AFR_1", "AFR_2", "EUR_1", "EUR_2"),
          B = c("NEA_1", "NEA_2"),
          C = "CH_1")

# calculate f4 for single individuals
ts_f4(ts, W = "EUR_1", X = "AFR_1", Y = "NEA_1", Z = "CH_1")

# calculate f4 for sets of individuals
ts_f4(ts, W = c("EUR_1", "EUR_2"),
          X = c("AFR_1", "AFR_2"),
          Y = "NEA_1",
          Z = "CH_1")

# calculate f4-ratio for a given set of target individuals X
ts_f4ratio(ts, X = c("EUR_1", "EUR_2", "EUR_4", "EUR_5"),
               A = "NEA_1", B = "NEA_2", C = "AFR_1", O = "CH_1")

Calculate pairwise statistics between sets of individuals


For a discussion on the difference between "site", "branch", and "node" options of the mode argument, please see the tskit documentation at


  mode = c("site", "branch", "node"),
  windows = NULL,
  span_normalise = TRUE



Tree sequence object of the class slendr_ts


A list (optionally a named list) of character vectors with individual names (one vector per set)


The mode for the calculation ("sites" or "branch")


Coordinates of breakpoints between windows. The first coordinate (0) and the last coordinate (equal to ts$sequence_length) do not have to be specified as they are added automatically.


Divide the result by the span of the window? Default TRUE, see the tskit documentation for more detail.


For each pairwise calculation, either a single Fst value or a vector of Fst values (one for each window)



# load an example model with an already simulated tree sequence
slendr_ts <- system.file("extdata/models/introgression_slim.trees", package = "slendr")
model <- read_model(path = system.file("extdata/models/introgression", package = "slendr"))

# load the tree-sequence object from disk
ts <- ts_read(slendr_ts, model) %>% ts_mutate(mutation_rate = 1e-8, random_seed = 42)

# compute F_st between two sets of individuals in a given tree sequence ts
ts_fst(ts, sample_sets = list(afr = c("AFR_1", "AFR_2", "AFR_3"),
                              eur = c("EUR_1", "EUR_2")))

Extract genotype table from the tree sequence


Extract genotype table from the tree sequence


ts_genotypes(ts, quiet = FALSE)



Tree sequence object of the class slendr_ts


Should messages about multiallelic sites be silenced? Default is FALSE.


Data frame object of the class tibble containing genotypes of simulated individuals in columns



# load an example model with an already simulated tree sequence
slendr_ts <- system.file("extdata/models/introgression_slim.trees", package = "slendr")
model <- read_model(path = system.file("extdata/models/introgression", package = "slendr"))

# load the tree-sequence object from disk, recapitate it, simplify it, and mutate it
ts <- ts_read(slendr_ts, model) %>%
  ts_recapitate(Ne = 10000, recombination_rate = 1e-8) %>%
  ts_simplify() %>%
  ts_mutate(mutation_rate = 1e-8)

# extract the genotype matrix (this could take  a long time consume lots
# of memory!)
gts <- ts_genotypes(ts)

Collect Identity-by-Descent (IBD) segments (EXPERIMENTAL)


This function iterates over a tree sequence and returns IBD tracts between pairs of individuals or nodes


  coordinates = FALSE,
  within = NULL,
  between = NULL,
  squash = FALSE,
  minimum_length = NULL,
  maximum_time = NULL,
  sf = TRUE



Tree sequence object of the class slendr_ts


Should coordinates of all detected IBD tracts be reported? If FALSE (the default), only the total length of shared IBD segments and their numbers are reported. If TRUE, coordinates of each segment will be returned (but note that this can have a massive impact on memory usage). See details for more information.


A character vector with individual names or an integer vector with node IDs indicating a set of nodes within which to look for IBD segments.


A list of lists of character vectors with individual names or integer vectors with node IDs, indicating a set of nodes between which to look for shared IBD segments.


Should adjacent IBD segments for pairs of nodes be squashed if they only differ by their 'genealogical paths' but not by their MRCA? Default is FALSE. For more context, see This option is EXPERIMENTAL!


Minimum length of an IBD segment to return in results. This is useful for reducing the total amount of IBD returned (but see Details).


Oldest MRCA of a node to be considered as an IBD ancestor to return that IBD segment in results. This is useful for reducing the total amount of IBD returned.


If IBD segments in a spatial tree sequence are being analyzed, should the returned table be a spatial sf object? Default is TRUE.


This function is considered experimental. For full control over IBD segment detection in tree-sequence data, users can (and perhaps, for the time being, should) rely on the tskit method ibd_segments (see

Iternally, this function leverages the tskit TreeSequence method ibd_segments. However, note that the ts_ibd function always returns a data frame of IBD tracts, it does not provide an option to iterate over individual IBD segments as shown in the official tskit documentation at In general, R handles heavy iteration poorly, and this function does not attempt to serve as a full wrapper to ibd_segments.

Unfortunately, the distinction between "squashed IBD" (what many would consider to be the expected definition of IBD) and tskit’s IBD which is defined via distinct genealogical paths (see for a discussion of the topic), makes the meaning of the filtering parameter of the ibd_segments() method of tskit minimum_length somewhat unintuitive. As of this moment, this function argument filters on IBD segments on the tskit level, not the level of the squashed IBD segments!


A data frame with IBD results (either coordinates of each IBD segment shared by a pair of nodes, or summary statistics about the total IBD sharing for that pair)



# load an example model with an already simulated tree sequence
slendr_ts <- system.file("extdata/models/introgression_slim.trees", package = "slendr")
model <- read_model(path = system.file("extdata/models/introgression", package = "slendr"))

# load the tree-sequence object from disk
ts <- ts_read(slendr_ts, model)

# find IBD segments between specified Neanderthals and Europeans
  coordinates = TRUE,
  between = list(c("NEA_1", "NEA_2"), c("EUR_1", "EUR_2")),
  minimum_length = 40000

Read a tree sequence from a file


Deprecated function. Please use ts_read instead.


ts_load(file, model = NULL)



A path to the tree-sequence file (either originating from a slendr model or a standard non-slendr tree sequence).


Optional slendr_model object which produced the tree-sequence file. Used for adding various annotation data and metadata to the standard tskit tree-sequence object.

Extract list with tree sequence metadata saved by SLiM


Extract list with tree sequence metadata saved by SLiM





Tree sequence object of the class slendr_ts


List of metadata fields extracted from the tree-sequence object



# load an example model with an already simulated tree sequence
slendr_ts <- system.file("extdata/models/introgression_slim.trees", package = "slendr")
model <- read_model(path = system.file("extdata/models/introgression", package = "slendr"))

# load the tree-sequence object from disk
ts <- ts_read(slendr_ts, model)

# extract the list of metadata information from the tree sequence

Add mutations to the given tree sequence


Add mutations to the given tree sequence


  random_seed = NULL,
  keep_existing = TRUE,
  mutation_model = NULL



Tree sequence object of the class slendr_ts


Mutation rate used by msprime to simulate mutations


Random seed passed to msprime's mutate method (if NULL, a seed will be generated between 0 and the maximum integer number available)


Keep existing mutations?


Which mutation model to use? If NULL (default), no special mutation type will be used. Otherwise, a mutation model matching may be provided as a Python/reticulate object. For instance, msprime$SLiMMutationModel(type=42L) will add SLiM mutation with the mutation type 42.


Tree-sequence object of the class slendr_ts, which serves as an interface point for the Python module tskit using slendr functions with the ts_ prefix.

See Also

ts_nodes for extracting useful information about individuals, nodes, coalescent times and geospatial locations of nodes on a map



# load an example model with an already simulated tree sequence
slendr_ts <- system.file("extdata/models/introgression_slim.trees", package = "slendr")
model <- read_model(path = system.file("extdata/models/introgression", package = "slendr"))

ts <- ts_read(slendr_ts, model)
ts_mutate <- ts_mutate(ts, mutation_rate = 1e-8, random_seed = 42)


Extract names of individuals in a tree sequence


Extract names of individuals in a tree sequence


ts_names(ts, split = NULL)



Tree sequence object of the class slendr_ts


Should sample names in the tree sequence be split by a column (a population or time column)? Default is NULL and all names of samples will be returned as a single character vector. If set to "pop" or "time", a list of character vectors will be returned, one vector for each unique "pop" or "time" grouping.


A vector of character sample names. If split is specified, a list of such vectors is returned, one element of the list per population or sampling time.

Extract combined annotated table of individuals and nodes


This function combines information from the table of individuals and table of nodes into a single data frame which can be used in downstream analyses.


ts_nodes(x, sf = TRUE)



Tree sequence object of the class slendr_ts or a phylo object extracted by ts_phylo


Should spatial data be returned in an sf format? If FALSE, spatial geometries will be returned simply as x and y columns, instead of the standard POINT data type.


The source of data (tables of individuals and nodes recorded in the tree sequence generated by SLiM) are combined into a single data frame. If the model which generated the data was spatial, coordinates of nodes (which are pixel-based by default because SLiM spatial simulations occur on a raster), the coordinates are automatically converted to an explicit spatial object of the sf class unless spatial = FALSE. See for an extensive introduction to the sf package and the ways in which spatial data can be processed, analysed, and visualised.


Data frame with processed information from the tree sequence object. If the model which generated this data was spatial, result will be returned as a spatial object of the class sf.

See Also

ts_table for accessing raw tree sequence tables without added metadata annotation. See also ts_ancestors to learn how to extract information about relationship beteween nodes in the tree sequence, and how to analysed data about distances between nodes in the spatial context.



# load an example model with an already simulated tree sequence
slendr_ts <- system.file("extdata/models/introgression_slim.trees", package = "slendr")
model <- read_model(path = system.file("extdata/models/introgression", package = "slendr"))

# load the tree-sequence object from disk
ts <- ts_read(slendr_ts, model)

# extract an annotated table with (spatio-)temporal node information

Convert a tree in the tree sequence to an object of the class phylo


Convert a tree in the tree sequence to an object of the class phylo


  mode = c("index", "position"),
  labels = c("tskit", "pop"),
  quiet = FALSE



Tree sequence object of the class slendr_ts


Position of the tree in the tree sequence. If mode = "index", an i-th tree will be returned (in zero-based indexing as in tskit), if mode = "position", a tree covering the i-th base of the simulated genome will be returned (again, in tskit's indexing).


How should the i argument be interpreted? Either "index" as an i-th tree in the sequence of genealogies, or "position" along the simulated genome.


What should be stored as node labels in the final phylo object? Options are either a population name or a tskit integer node ID (which is a different thing from a phylo class node integer index).


Should ape's internal phylo validity test be printed out?


Standard phylogenetic tree object implemented by the R package ape



# load an example model with an already simulated tree sequence
slendr_ts <- system.file("extdata/models/introgression_slim.trees", package = "slendr")
model <- read_model(path = system.file("extdata/models/introgression", package = "slendr"))

# load the tree-sequence object from disk
ts <- ts_read(slendr_ts, model) %>%
  ts_recapitate(Ne = 10000, recombination_rate = 1e-8) %>%

# extract the 1st tree from a given tree sequence, return ape object
tree <- ts_phylo(ts, i = 1, mode = "index", quiet = TRUE)

# extract the tree at a 42th basepair in the given tree sequence
tree <- ts_phylo(ts, i = 42, mode = "position", quiet = TRUE)

# because the tree is a standard ape phylo object, we can plot it easily
plot(tree, use.edge.length = FALSE)

Read a tree sequence from a file


This function loads a tree sequence file simulated from a given slendr model. Optionally, the tree sequence can be recapitated and simplified.


ts_read(file, model = NULL)



A path to the tree-sequence file (either originating from a slendr model or a standard non-slendr tree sequence).


Optional slendr_model object which produced the tree-sequence file. Used for adding various annotation data and metadata to the standard tskit tree-sequence object.


The loading, recapitation and simplification is performed using the Python module pyslim which serves as a link between tree sequences generated by SLiM and the tskit module for manipulation of tree sequence data. All of these steps have been modelled after the official pyslim tutorial and documentation available at:

The recapitation and simplification steps can also be performed individually using the functions ts_recapitate and ts_simplify.


Tree-sequence object of the class slendr_ts, which serves as an interface point for the Python module tskit using slendr functions with the ts_ prefix.

See Also

ts_nodes for extracting useful information about individuals, nodes, coalescent times and geospatial locations of nodes on a map



# load an example model with an already simulated tree sequence
slendr_ts <- system.file("extdata/models/introgression_slim.trees", package = "slendr")
model <- read_model(path = system.file("extdata/models/introgression", package = "slendr"))

# load tree sequence generated by a given model
ts <- ts_read(slendr_ts, model)

# even tree sequences generated by non-slendr models can be
msprime_ts <- system.file("extdata/models/msprime.trees", package = "slendr")
ts <- ts_read(msprime_ts)

# load tree sequence and immediately simplify it only to sampled individuals
# (note that the example tree sequence is already simplified so this operation
# does not do anything in this case)
ts <- ts_read(slendr_ts, model = model) %>% ts_simplify(keep_input_roots = TRUE)

# load tree sequence and simplify it to a subset of sampled individuals
ts_small <- ts_simplify(ts, simplify_to = c("CH_1", "NEA_1", "NEA_2",
                                            "AFR_1", "AFR_2", "EUR_1", "EUR_2"))

# load tree sequence, recapitate it and simplify it
ts <- ts_read(slendr_ts, model) %>%
  ts_recapitate(recombination_rate = 1e-8, Ne = 10000, random_seed = 42) %>%

# load tree sequence, recapitate it, simplify it and overlay neutral mutations
ts <- ts_read(slendr_ts, model) %>%
  ts_recapitate(recombination_rate = 1e-8, Ne = 10000, random_seed = 42) %>%
  ts_simplify() %>%
  ts_mutate(mutation_rate = 1e-8)


Recapitate the tree sequence


Recapitate the tree sequence


  Ne = NULL,
  demography = NULL,
  random_seed = NULL



Tree sequence object loaded by ts_read


A constant value of the recombination rate


Effective population size during the recapitation process


Ancestral demography to be passed internally to msprime.sim_ancestry() (see msprime's documentation for mode detail)


Random seed passed to pyslim's recapitate method (if NULL, a seed will be generated between 0 and the maximum integer number available)


Tree-sequence object of the class slendr_ts, which serves as an interface point for the Python module tskit using slendr functions with the ts_ prefix.

See Also

ts_nodes for extracting useful information about individuals, nodes, coalescent times and geospatial locations of nodes on a map



# load an example model with an already simulated tree sequence
slendr_ts <- system.file("extdata/models/introgression_slim.trees", package = "slendr")
model <- read_model(path = system.file("extdata/models/introgression", package = "slendr"))

ts <- ts_read(slendr_ts, model) %>%
  ts_recapitate(recombination_rate = 1e-8, Ne = 10000, random_seed = 42)


Extract names and times of individuals of interest in the current tree sequence (either all sampled individuals or those that the user simplified to)


Extract names and times of individuals of interest in the current tree sequence (either all sampled individuals or those that the user simplified to)





Tree sequence object of the class slendr_ts


Table of individuals scheduled for sampling across space and time



# load an example model with an already simulated tree sequence
slendr_ts <- system.file("extdata/models/introgression_slim.trees", package = "slendr")
model <- read_model(path = system.file("extdata/models/introgression", package = "slendr"))

# load the tree-sequence object from disk
ts <- ts_read(slendr_ts, model)

# extract the table of individuals scheduled for simulation and sampling

Write a tree sequence to a file


Deprecated function. Please use ts_write instead.


ts_save(ts, file)



Tree sequence object loaded by ts_read


File to which the tree sequence should be saved

Calculate the density of segregating sites for the given sets of individuals


Calculate the density of segregating sites for the given sets of individuals


  mode = c("site", "branch", "node"),
  windows = NULL,
  span_normalise = FALSE



Tree sequence object of the class slendr_ts


A list (optionally a named list) of character vectors with individual names (one vector per set). If a simple vector is provided, it will be interpreted as as.list(sample_sets), meaning that a given statistic will be calculated for each individual separately.


The mode for the calculation ("sites" or "branch")


Coordinates of breakpoints between windows. The first coordinate (0) and the last coordinate (equal to ts$sequence_length) are added automatically)


Divide the result by the span of the window? Default TRUE, see the tskit documentation for more detail.


For each set of individuals either a single diversity value or a vector of diversity values (one for each window)



# load an example model with an already simulated tree sequence
slendr_ts <- system.file("extdata/models/introgression_slim.trees", package = "slendr")
model <- read_model(path = system.file("extdata/models/introgression", package = "slendr"))

# load the tree-sequence object from disk
ts <- ts_read(slendr_ts, model) %>% ts_mutate(mutation_rate = 1e-8, random_seed = 42)

# collect sampled individuals from all populations in a list
sample_sets <- ts_samples(ts) %>%
  split(., .$pop) %>%
  lapply(function(pop) pop$name)

ts_segregating(ts, sample_sets)

Simplify the tree sequence down to a given set of individuals


This function is a convenience wrapper around the simplify method implemented in tskit, designed to work on tree sequence data simulated by SLiM using the slendr R package.


  simplify_to = NULL,
  keep_input_roots = FALSE,
  keep_unary = FALSE,
  keep_unary_in_individuals = FALSE,
  filter_nodes = TRUE



Tree sequence object of the class slendr_ts


A character vector of individual names. If NULL, all explicitly remembered individuals (i.e. those specified via the schedule_sampling function will be left in the tree sequence after the simplification.


Should the history ancestral to the MRCA of all samples be retained in the tree sequence? Default is FALSE.


Should unary nodes be preserved through simplification? Default is FALSE.


Should unary nodes be preserved through simplification if they are associated with an individual recorded in the table of individuals? Default is FALSE. Cannot be set to TRUE if keep_unary is also TRUE


Should nodes be reindexed after simplification? Default is TRUE. See tskit's documentation for the Python method simplify()


The simplification process is used to remove redundant information from the tree sequence and retains only information necessary to describe the genealogical history of a set of samples.

For more information on how simplification works in pyslim and tskit, see the official documentation at and

A very clear description of the difference between remembering and retaining and how to use these techniques to implement historical individuals (i.e. ancient DNA samples) is in the pyslim documentation at


Tree-sequence object of the class slendr_ts, which serves as an interface point for the Python module tskit using slendr functions with the ts_ prefix.

See Also

ts_nodes for extracting useful information about individuals, nodes, coalescent times and geospatial locations of nodes on a map



# load an example model with an already simulated tree sequence
slendr_ts <- system.file("extdata/models/introgression_slim.trees", package = "slendr")
model <- read_model(path = system.file("extdata/models/introgression", package = "slendr"))

ts <- ts_read(slendr_ts, model)

# simplify tree sequence to sampled individuals
ts_simplified <- ts_simplify(ts)

# simplify to a subset of sampled individuals
ts_small <- ts_simplify(ts, simplify_to = c("CH_1", "NEA_1", "NEA_2", "AFR_1",
                                            "AFR_2", "EUR_1", "EUR_2"))


Get the table of individuals/nodes/edges/mutations/sites from the tree sequence


This function extracts data from a given tree sequence table. All times are converted to model-specific time units from tskit's "generations backwards" time direction.


ts_table(ts, table = c("individuals", "edges", "nodes", "mutations", "sites"))



Tree sequence object of the class slendr_ts


Which tree sequence table to return


For further processing and analyses, the output of the function ts_nodes might be more useful, as it merges the information in node and individual tables into one table and further annotates it with useful information from the model configuration data.


Data frame with the information from the give tree-sequence table (can be either a table of individuals, edges, nodes, or mutations).

See Also

ts_nodes and ts_edges for accessing an annotated, more user-friendly and analysis-friendly tree-sequence table data


# load an example model with an already simulated tree sequence
slendr_ts <- system.file("extdata/models/introgression_slim.trees", package = "slendr")
model <- read_model(path = system.file("extdata/models/introgression", package = "slendr"))

# load the tree-sequence object from disk and add mutations to it
ts <- ts_read(slendr_ts, model) %>% ts_mutate(mutation_rate = 1e-8, random_seed = 42)

# get the 'raw' tskit table of individuals
ts_table(ts, "individuals")

# get the 'raw' tskit table of edges
ts_table(ts, "edges")

# get the 'raw' tskit table of nodes
ts_table(ts, "nodes")

# get the 'raw' tskit table of mutations
ts_table(ts, "mutations")

# get the 'raw' tskit table of sites
ts_table(ts, "sites")

Calculate Tajima's D for given sets of individuals


For a discussion on the difference between "site" and "branch" options of the mode argument, please see the tskit documentation at


ts_tajima(ts, sample_sets, mode = c("site", "branch", "node"), windows = NULL)



Tree sequence object of the class slendr_ts


A list (optionally a named list) of character vectors with individual names (one vector per set). If a simple vector is provided, it will be interpreted as as.list(sample_sets), meaning that a given statistic will be calculated for each individual separately.


The mode for the calculation ("sites" or "branch")


Coordinates of breakpoints between windows. The first coordinate (0) and the last coordinate (equal to ts$sequence_length) are added automatically)


For each set of individuals either a single Tajima's D value or a vector of Tajima's D values (one for each window)



# load an example model with an already simulated tree sequence
slendr_ts <- system.file("extdata/models/introgression_slim.trees", package = "slendr")
model <- read_model(path = system.file("extdata/models/introgression", package = "slendr"))

# load the tree-sequence object from disk
ts <- ts_read(slendr_ts, model) %>% ts_mutate(mutation_rate = 1e-8, random_seed = 42)

# calculate Tajima's D for given sets of individuals in a tree sequence ts
ts_tajima(ts, list(eur = c("EUR_1", "EUR_2", "EUR_3", "EUR_4", "EUR_5"),
                   nea = c("NEA_1", "NEA_2")))

Extract ancestry tracts from a tree sequence (EXPERIMENTAL)


Extract a data frame with coordinates of ancestry tracts from a given tree sequence.


  squashed = TRUE,
  source = NULL,
  target = NULL,
  quiet = FALSE



Tree sequence object of the class slendr_ts


Census time. See the documentation linked in the Details for more information. If a slendr-specific tree sequence was provided as ts, the census time is expected to be given in slendr model-specific time units, and must correspond to some gene-flow event encoded by the model.


Should ancestry tracts be squashed (i.e., should continuous tracts that can be traced to different ancestral nodes be merged)? Default is TRUE. If FALSE, these effectively continuous ancestry tracts will be split into individual segments, each assigned to a specific ancestral node ID (recorded in a column ancestor_id).


From which source population to extract tracts for? if NULL (the default), ancestry tracts for all populations contributing gene flow at the census time will be reported. Otherwise, ancestry tracts from only specified source populations will be extracted. Note that this option is ignored for non-slendr tree sequences!


Similar purpose as source above, except that it filters for tracts discovered in the target population(s)


Should the default summary output of the tspop Python package be silenced? Default is FALSE.


This function implements an R-friendly interface to an algorithm for extracting ancestry tracts provided by the Python module tspop and developed by Georgia Tsambos. Please make sure to cite the paper which describes the algorithm in detail: doi:10.1093/bioadv/vbad163. For more technical details, see also the tutorial at:

In general, when using this function on a slendr-generated tree sequence, please be aware that the output changes slightly to what you would get by running the pure tspop.get_pop_ancestry() in Python. First, ts_tracts() populates the output data frame with additional metadata (such as names of individuals or populations). Additionally, for slendr models, it is specifically designed to only return ancestry tracts originating to a an ancestral population which contributed its ancestry during a gene-flow event which started at a specific time (i.e., scheduled in a model via the gene_flow()) function. It does not return every single ancestry tracts present in the tree sequence for every single sample node (and every single potential ancestry population) as does the tspop.get_pop_ancestry() Python method.

That said, when run on a tree sequence which does not originate from a slendr simulation, the behavior of ts_tracts() is identical to that of the underlying tspop.get_pop_ancestry().

As of the current version of slendr, ts_tracts() only works for slendr/msprime sequences but not on slendr/SLiM tree sequences. Support for slendr-generated SLiM tree sequences is in development. Tracts from tree sequences originating from non-slendr msprime and SLiM simulations are not restricted in any way and, as mentioned in the previous paragraph, ts_tracts() in this situation effectively reduces to the standard tspop.get_pop_ancestry() call.


A data frame containing coordinates of ancestry tracts


init_env(quiet = TRUE)

# load an example model with an already simulated tree sequence
slendr_ts <- system.file("extdata/models/introgression_msprime.trees", package = "slendr")
model <- read_model(path = system.file("extdata/models/introgression", package = "slendr"))

# load the tree-sequence object from disk
ts <- ts_read(file = slendr_ts, model = model)

# extract Neanderthal ancestry tracts (i.e. those corresponding to the
# census event at the gene-flow time at 55000 kya as scheduled by
# the simulation which produced the tree sequence)
nea_tracts <- ts_tracts(ts, census = 55000, source = "NEA")

Get a tree from a given tree sequence


For more information about optional keyword arguments see tskit documentation:


ts_tree(ts, i, mode = c("index", "position"), ...)



Tree sequence object of the class slendr_ts


Position of the tree in the tree sequence. If mode = "index", an i-th tree will be returned (in zero-based indexing as in tskit), if mode = "position", a tree covering the i-th base of the simulated genome will be returned (again, in tskit's indexing).


How should the i argument be interpreted? Either "index" as an i-th tree in the sequence of genealogies, or "position" along the simulated genome.


Additional keyword arguments accepted by and tskit.TreeSequence.at_index methods


Python-reticulate-based object of the class tskit.trees.Tree



# load an example model with an already simulated tree sequence
slendr_ts <- system.file("extdata/models/introgression_slim.trees", package = "slendr")
model <- read_model(path = system.file("extdata/models/introgression", package = "slendr"))

# load the tree-sequence object from disk
ts <- ts_read(slendr_ts, model)

# extract the zero-th tree in the tree sequence
tree <- ts_tree(ts, i = 0)

# extract the tree at a position in the tree sequence
tree <- ts_tree(ts, i = 100000, mode = "position")

Save genotypes from the tree sequence as a VCF file


This function writes a VCF file with diploid genotypes from a given tree sequence.


  chrom = "chr1",
  individuals = NULL,
  position_transform = "lambda x: np.fmax(1, x)"



Tree sequence object of the class slendr_ts


Path to a VCF file


Chromosome name to be written in the CHROM column of the VCF (default value will be "chr1").


A vector of individuals in the tree sequence to extract genotypes from. If missing, all individuals present in the tree sequence will be saved. For a slendr-based tree sequence a character vector of individual names is expected. For non-slendr tree sequences, a numeric vector of IDs of individuals is expected.


How to transform coordinates in a tree sequence to coordinates in a VCF file? By default, any site with coordinate 0 is converted to a position 1 to ensure that the resulting VCF file adheres to the VCF specification. Setting this to NULL will disable this


Users should note that, as with many other tskit-based slendr functions, ts_vcf is intended to provide some convenient defaults. For instance, even for non-slendr tree sequences, it will name each individual in the genotype columns after their integer IDs. In other words, if the individuals function argument is given as c(1, 42, 123), the individuals will be named as "ind_1", "ind_42", and "ind_123", instead of "tsk_0", "tsk_1", and "tsk_2". That said, the reticulate-based Python interface of slendr allows calling the write_vcf function of tskit directly!

By default, simulating a tree sequence with msprime and exporting the genotypes into VCF can cause issues with some downstream software because the VCF specification does not allow sites with the position 0. By default ts_vcf automatically transforms a site with a zero coordinate to a coordinate 1. Setting position_transform to NULL will disable this, and tsv_vcf will save coordinates in their original form. See this discussion for more detail:, as well as relevant topics in the tskit documentation on this issue, like here:


No return value, called for side effects

Save a tree sequence to a file


Save a tree sequence to a file


ts_write(ts, file)



Tree sequence object loaded by ts_read


File to which the tree sequence should be saved


No return value, called for side effects



# load an example model with an already simulated tree sequence
slendr_ts <- system.file("extdata/models/introgression_slim.trees", package = "slendr")
model <- read_model(path = system.file("extdata/models/introgression", package = "slendr"))

# load the tree sequence
ts <- ts_read(slendr_ts, model)

# save the tree-sequence object to a different location
another_file <- paste(tempfile(), ".trees")
ts_write(ts, another_file)

Define a world map for all spatial operations


Defines either an abstract geographic landscape (blank or containing user-defined landscape) or using a real Earth cartographic data from the Natural Earth project (


  landscape = "naturalearth",
  crs = NULL,
  scale = c("small", "medium", "large")



Two-dimensional vector specifying minimum and maximum horizontal range ("longitude" if using real Earth cartographic data)


Two-dimensional vector specifying minimum and maximum vertical range ("latitude" if using real Earth cartographic data)


Either "blank" (for blank abstract geography), "naturalearth" (for real Earth geography) or an object of the class sf defining abstract geographic features of the world


EPSG code of a coordinate reference system to use for spatial operations. No CRS is assumed by default (NULL), implying an abstract landscape not tied to any real-world geographic region (when landscape = "blank" or when landscape is a custom-defined geographic landscape), or implying WGS-84 (EPSG 4326) coordinate system when a real Earth landscape was defined (landscape = "naturalearth").


If Natural Earth geographic data is used (i.e. landscape = "naturalearth"), this parameter determines the resolution of the data used. The value "small" corresponds to 1:110m data and is provided with the package, values "medium" and "large" correspond to 1:50m and 1:10m respectively and will be downloaded from the internet. Default value is "small".


Object of the class slendr_map, which encodes a standard spatial object of the class sf with additional slendr-specific attributes such as requested x-range and y-range.


# create a blank abstract world 1000x1000 distance units in size
blank_map <- world(xrange = c(0, 1000), yrange = c(0, 1000), landscape = "blank")

# it is possible to construct custom landscapes (islands, corridors, etc.)
island1 <- region("island1", polygon = list(c(10, 30), c(50, 30), c(40, 50), c(0, 40)))
island2 <- region("island2", polygon = list(c(60, 60), c(80, 40), c(100, 60), c(80, 80)))
island3 <- region("island3", center = c(20, 80), radius = 10)
archipelago <- island1 %>% join(island2) %>% join(island3)

custom_map <- world(xrange = c(1, 100), c(1, 100), landscape = archipelago)

# real Earth landscapes can be defined using freely-available Natural Earth
# project data and with the possibility to specify an appropriate Coordinate
# Reference System, such as this example of a map of Europe

real_map <- world(xrange = c(-15, 40), yrange = c(30, 60), crs = "EPSG:3035")